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How to sing Eason Chan's 《Yi Si Bu Gua》with Sufficient Breath


Many guys said that they always have insufficient breath when singing Eason's song "Yi Si Bu Gua" in karaoke box. So I would like to teach you how to sing some songs with intensive lyrics.

【Text Version】

I will teach you some methods and exercises as follows :

1) Breathing with a "Sigh"

Most beginners said that they don't know how to do abdominal breathing when they stand. Belly could not be expanded during inhalation and contracted during exhalation. But I believe that all of you know how to sigh. Let's sigh now. You can feel that the belly is contracted immediately. This is exhalation. Then inhale again immediately. You’ll find that your belly is expanded in just one second. This method resolve the issue that there's too limited time for breathing between each phrase of lyrics.

2) Hiss Exercise

Exhale all the air first, and then re-inhale. Hiss during exhalation. Exhale all the air with “hiss”. That'll be perfect if you can hiss for a longer time. Be reminded the hiss should be firm, it cannot be too detached.

This "hiss" exercise can also strengthen the core muscles of the diaphragm. Make a fist with both hands putting beside your waist. When you make the "hiss" every time. Let the diaphragm and core muscles pushing both sides of the waist

(you can see my hiss exercise demonstration in video version). After exhaling all the air with a hiss, repeat the process once again. It helps to improve breath support/air pressure when you sing on exhalation. You will not leak out all the air too fast.

3) Tongue Twister Exercise ~ Red Leather, Yellow Leather

In order to sing intensive lyrics with a faster pace. Tongue flexibility is very important. I’ll demonstrate a tongue twister exercise "Red leather, yellow leather". There are a total of 7 syllables in English. Just assume they are seven Chinese characters. We need to sing 9 times, in a total of 63 words.

{Tongue Twister Exercise Scales}


In the beginning, you can start with a tempo in 120. But you can speed up the tempo progressively. You also need to gradually reduce the number of times of re-inhalation. You can see my demonstration to sing at a tempo of 210, ie. 1.75 times speed with only one breath in the YouTube video (video version)


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